Point Missed!!!
Point Missed!!!

Here are some of the things most online marketing companies promise you.

Do they sound good?

"Not Really." If you know why, read on.

Keywords Analysis & Research
Manually Directory Submissions
Article Submissions
Press Release Distributions
Blog postings
Social Bookmarking Submissions
Classified Submissions
Unique Article Writing
Press Release Writing
Keywords Mapping
New Pages Suggestions
Keywords Research
Competitor Analysis
Title Tags Changes Suggestions
Meta Tags Changes Suggestions
Alt Tag Changes Suggestions
HTML Site Map
XML Site Map Setup
Anchor text optimization
Google webmaster setup
Google analytics setup
Weekly Work Report

Marketing companies are missing the point. They make it sound like to be successful, you need to do all that. WRONG!!!

This is assuming people visited your site, you will have more sales. Not going to happen. Your web site must be ready for sales. Can people buy product on your website? If not, WHY NOT? If they cannot buy or you are not willing sell product, why are you promoting your website?

Before you think about marketing, make sure your website is ready for the people. And make sure you have products people want to buy.