Mr. Nishikawa, President of Ni...

Mr. Nishikawa, President of Nisimoku LLC and His Art.

NISIMOKU OGAkKO Kit Available...

NISIMOKU OGAkKO Kit Available...

NISIMOKU OGAkKO Kit Available...

NISIMOKU OGAkKO Kit Available...

NISIMOKU OGAkKO Kit Available...

NISIMOKU OGAkKO Kit Available...

NISIMOKU and Uchikura & Co. are working together to bring fine hand made wood work products from Japan to the US. They were introduced at Japan Fair 2017 and was very successful in increasing the number of sales compared to the last year's event.

One of the products NISIMOKU sold at the japan Fair was this OGAkKO Kit. This kit comes with ten safe colored wood dust and water base glue and the wood board. You can use glue to create a design and sprinkle the color dust to create an art.

It can be enjoyed by all ages including adults.