Dear Reader,
When you are young, there seems to be an infinite amount of time to do anything but you don’t usually have experience and money to do anything. As you get older, you gain more and more experience and a little bit of wealth. But you are using up your time as you get older. When you get to 60 (I will be 60 this year), you realize you wasted a lot of time not doing anything. I always think about what I could have done.
Now I am at this age, I really do not have time to waste. I need to do what I want to do while I can. It is not limited to business. It is time to start thinking about things that I can do and do them. I do not want to spend time thinking about making money. I rather spend time thinking and doing development and sales.
I wish I came to decision 10, 20 years ago. I am fortunate enough to meet the people I work and associate with. I do want to make sure I will take care of them as much as I can while I can. Then when I am done, hopefully, I get the satisfaction of I did all I can.
100 years ago, I guess not many people live to be 60. 60 is the age my biological father died. I am that age. I think I look better than him. Well, he was dying at my age, so he did not look too well. I am sure he wanted to live longer and do more. I guess every dying person thinks the same way. After seeing my father departed 30 years ago, I think I need to start thinking about it.
So I am willing and very capable of developing and creating a new business with you. Please contact me. Let’s have coffee or lunch. I am sure I have some experience to help both us develop something. I am looking forward to hearing from you. If you wait, that time will not come back to you. In the end, you wish you did not wait. I certainly do not want to waste my time waiting.
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