People are not just data.

I watched many news about how people should stay-home to avoid the spread of the virus. They say if you cut the human contact by 80%, Coronavirus will die down quickly. They show the simulation graph showing that.

Okay, I got that. But human are not just pixcel on the graph. Each one of us have a brain and feeling and needs and dislike. People are willing to die for what they believe. That has nothing to do with government or doctors or professors or news medias say.

Lives are more important than your freedom. No, people die for freedom. At least people in America live and die for their freedom. So, just do not ask us to act like lab animals. We are not just a data. If you want us to do something, you say “please...”. Don’t just tell us like we have no brain or feeling.


Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Uchikura & Co. LLC.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

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