1989 Tiananmen Square protes...

1989 Tiananmen Square protests never happened according to Chinese Government.

China is suppressing "1989 Tiananmen Square Protests" and some college graduated Chinese young people does not know what Tiananmen Square Protests are.

We still do not have exact number of people who are killed or missing ... Of cause it never happened. We have presidential election coming up in 50 months. I really want to see US having tough stance against the country (political party).

When it comes to China, there are few things I would like to see.

(1) Protect the people of Hong Kong
(2) Push copyright in China
(3) Move military out of South China Sea
(4) Start reporting real Covid-19 situation in China. Send CDC to China.
(5) Create a independent world health watch replacing WHO or rebuild WHO.
(6) Recognize Taiwan as a independent country
(7) Introduce market driven floating currency exchange
(8) Put Nuclear weapon reduction agreeement

I have nothing against the people of China. I have problem with the ruling party.


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Kenichi Uchikura
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Uchikura & Co. LLC.
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