ランチは Pho

ランチは Pho

今日にランチはベトナムのフォーを食べました。サイズが S,M,L,XL とあったので L を頼みました。これで $13.99 の価格。これに Sales Tax とチップを入れたら、$18.00 くらいかな。日本円で2,600円超え・・・これでも普通か安いぐらいです。一度ベトナム行って本場のファー食べてみたいです。
Today for lunch, I had Vietnamese pho. They offered sizes S, M, L, and XL, so I ordered the L. It was priced at $13.99. With sales tax and tip included, it came to around $18.00. That's over 2,600 Japanese yen... which still seems reasonable or even cheap. I'd love to visit Vietnam someday and try authentic pho.
In June, I'm going to Taiwan, so I'm looking forward to the night markets and street food. I've heard that both the night markets and the number of customers have decreased due to earthquakes, so I may not be able to do much, but I'll spend a little money and enjoy myself.


お申し込みは UCHIKURA CO のホームページから。
