What is this sign?
Do you know what this sign mean? It means there is a fiber optic cable under ground. __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__ Kenichi Uchikura AN ENTREPRENEUR & INVENTOR President / CEO ...
Top Level Domains
You know you can register .com, .net and .org domains. What other domain can you register wit Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. Here are the list. If you need help with any domain, please call us at 1...
Shipping Boxes have arrived!!!
One more step closer to start shipping products. __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__ Kenichi Uchikura AN ENTREPRENEUR & INVENTOR President / CEO Uchikura & Co. LLC. ken@uchikura...
So each box will add $2.34 to ...
When you try to sell / export products to Japan, you need a box to contain the item(s). So I ordered boxes today ... This will ad cost and weight to the package. I am learning one by one. When the box...
Fedes Standard Rate
It costs over $200 to ship 1kg package to Tokyo from Seattle if we use FEDEX. This makes it impossible to sell products to Japan from the US. This is very counter productive ... I need to find better ...
Birds, Birds, Birds ...
A lot of birds ... Bird are freer than humans right now. __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__ Kenichi Uchikura AN ENTREPRENEUR & INVENTOR President / CEO Uchikura & Co. LLC. ken@...
0.6 Lbs too heavy ... I wonder ...
With smaller box, I was able to reduce the shipping weight to almost 2 lbs as you can see omg the picture above. I am getting close. I cam still look for smaller or lighter box. It is still a challeng...
Shipping Weight to Japan
I took one of the PC bag and weigh it ... With the box, it is about 2 lbs. We need to look at the packaging as well. __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__ Kenichi Uchikura AN ENTREPRENEUR...
Selling Products to Japan
They key is the shipping price. I bought a accurate scale to measure exactly how much it weigh. If I can keep the shipping weather to less than 2 lbs, I may be able to offer somewhat reasonable shippi...
How much does it cost to ship...
When you think about selling products to Japan from the US, the first thing you need to know is how long and how much does it take to ship something from the US to Japan. Often the cost of shipping al...