Pompom ...
This is the best birthday card ... __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__ Kenichi Uchikura AN ENTREPRENEUR & INVENTOR President / CEO Uchikura & Co. LLC. ken@uchikura.co Pacific So...
Weekly Web Performance Report
As a part of Dreamersi web hosting service, you can receive weekly web performance review like the one you see above. This is a very simplified view of your website performance. Are detailed version i...
My Two Cents
We are a member of an organization called Seattle Executives Association. 100+ business owners and decision makers meet every Wednesday (virtually now) to exchange business lead and share ideas. This ...
Birthday August 30, 1959 Still k...
I started Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. in July 1987. I was 27 and now today I turned 61. My goal to make next few years the best years of my business carrier before I pass the legacy on. Thank yo...
Partnering with Web Developers
Pacific Software Publishing, inc. is working on the plan to create mutually beneficial bunds relationship with Web Developers. Please stay tuned. https://parcomweb.com __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**...
The email issue we are having since this afternoon (US Pacific Standard Time) has been resolved. You should be able to send email using Dreamersi SMTP server now. We are very sorry for your inconvenie...
Fiber Cut
Due to the fiber cut reported by CenturyLink, some customers are currently experiencing SMTP failure (inability to send email). We are working to mitigate the problem. Until there is a solution, we ar...
日本には世界に誇れる数々の商品があります。しかし、言語、距離そして商習慣んの関係から北米(アメリカ・カナダ)への販売には積極的ではありません。しかし、日本で売られている商品の多くはすでに個人輸入などの方法で北米で’大量に販売されています。一度米国の Amazon で皆様の商品が売れれていないかご確認してみてください。もし売られているのであれば、北米には市場があることがわかります。 それであれば、北...
Thank you, Lisa.
My first birthday card has arrived. Thank you Lisa from Woodstock Media Group. https://woodstockmediagroup.com Lisa was the inspiration behind ClickItAudio, audio embedded system. https://clickItAudio...
This is how I connect MacBoo...
MacBook Pro has Lightning connections ... I needed to buy a device to connect 4K TV via HTDM cable. __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__ Kenichi Uchikura AN ENTREPRENEUR & INVENTOR P...