Eating your own dog food!!!
Eating your own dog food, also called dogfooding, occurs when an organization uses its own product. This can be a way for an organization to test its products in real-world usage. Hence dogfooding can...
I usually leave my house around 6:30 ... and it has been dark. But I noticed this morning, it is little brighter at 6:30am. That is a good sign ... Spring is coming.
Oh I added this picture to mak...
I received an email saying they can provide; 1. Lead Generation 2. Appointment Setting 3. Virtual Assistant 4. Data Profiling 5. Call to invite 6. Data Entry 7. Data Encoding 8. Research 9. Telemarket...
Employee Ghosting
I have learned new words “employee ghosting”. Employee “ghosting” occurs when a job candidate or employee severs the relationship without any notice. It most commonly occurs with early-stage interview...
My Newsletter Vol 12
TIME IS LIMITED Dear Reader, When you are young, there seems to be an infinite amount of time to do anything but you don’t usually have experience and money to do anything. As you get older, you gain ...
I am very proud of PSPinc R&D team for creating this "Store and Event Evaluation Kiosk" in less than three week. This is just amazing.
There are snow left.
I hear there will be more snow .... Oh no.
Sell and Promote
You can sell your promote your products and services at Kiroboto.
We are building a trial version...
We are starting to test Kisok based survey system. I will keep you posted.
Web Business Partnership
We can help your web development business by referring to our hosting customers. But I will not refer your service when you have no track record of using our hosting service. htt...