Business in LA
My mission is to expo and our sales activities with better products. Every time I come to LA, I am more motivated.
A Wonderful Person
I have met very successful business person in Torrance, California operating more than 10 restaurants. I really enjoy meeting people like that. Mr. Shigeta, President of SHINSENGUMI REstaurant Group.
Today's Great Deal at Kiroboto
Check out the great deals I found and listed on Kiroboto.
It's That Time?
Really? It is still September ...
Web Developers Wanted
If you or your company develop web pages, we would like to know who you are. Can we create some kind of partnership? If you are interested, please contact me.
Why doesn't homeless people c...
I have never seen of homeless people clean up after themselves. I often wonder whether; "They do not clean up because they do not care." or "They are homeless because they do not care." Either way, I ...
Great Deals at Kiroboto
Check out the great deals at Kiroboto.
I rather go fast with small nu...
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Two More Nights with Tiny an...
Mayumi will be coming back on Monday. So until then I have two more nights with Tiny and Pompom. They do not move very much, especially Tiny.
Sex Sells ...
I do not know if you sell anything ... but many people are attracted to opposite sex. Nowadays, most important thing in marketing (not Face to Face sales) is getting attention.