Today's Deal
Take a look at what I found today. You can use Kiroboto to promote your business for FREE!
Everything you buy is taxed.
Did you know the State and Federal tax $0.678 per every gallon of gasoline. They tax you for license tab and tolls on bridges and HOV. Do you think you are getting your money's worth?
Ema えま 絵馬
What is Ema? Ema (絵馬 means "picture-horse") are small wooden plaques, common to Japan, in which Shinto and Buddhist worshippers write prayers or wishes. The ema are left hanging up at the shrine, wher...
Look at Great Deals on Kiroboto
We will be working on Phase II of Kiroboto in February. When the Phase II is compete, post and display parts of the system will be complete. Phase II will be an ability to process payments and orders ...
1. They always worry 2. They try to tell you what to do 3. They live in the default position 4. They enjoy secrecy 5. They are pessimists 6. They cannot limit their exposure to bad news 7. They have v...
Something Different
Do you want an intelligent personal assistant for your home or office but you do not want Amazon Echo/Dot or Google Home, look no farther than Microsoft INVOKE. Yes, Microsoft with Harman Kardon made ...
Stock Market for Last 1 Year
Stock Market for Last 1 Year ... Did you catch a boat or missed it? We are in the middle of the greatest run of the stock market since Trump took office. What is that mean? I have no idea but if you h...
Licence Plate Frames
Every time I take my car to a car wash, my front license plate bends. That is because I did not want to place my license plate in the frame with dealer's name on it. I guess frame was there for protec...
Do you remember them?
I really loved this PC vs Mac commercials.
Do you pray?
We hope you enjoyed posting what's on your mind. Anything you write on this site will not been viewed by anyone. We even made this site secure so the communication is also secured. Please share this s...