We used this device at Japan ...
Uchikura & Co is using PayPal as a primary payment method. We are building the shopping cart system with PayPal.
Ezell's Famous Chicken for Ja...
Now there is a definite possibility that we can bring Ezell's Famous Chicken in Japan. I will keep you posted.
Shopping Cart System for Uchi...
We are working with PSPinc to implement shopping cart system for Uchikura & Co Website. When the system is complete, we will be able to feature many of the products we mentioned in the blog.
Wonderful Smell of HINOKI (Cy...
People from NISIMOKU brought their fine wood working products from Japan for Japan Fair 2017 using HINOKU Wood Shavings as a cushion. They left some of them for us ... they smell so nice. HINOKI is us...
Japanese Fine Wood Products ...
3.5" (9 cm) in diameter, this coaster is cut from Koematsu (pine tree with heavy resinpine‐tree gum content) by hand. Coasters intentionally have no finish so that the aroma from the pine tree comes o...
You are not ready to deal wit...
What would you do someone is at your store taking picture of your item? (1) Thank him/her for taking picture and sharing it on the net ... even if it may be negative comment. (2) Ask him/her who took ...
Mr. Nishikawa, President of Ni...
NISIMOKU and Uchikura & Co. are working together to bring fine hand made wood work products from Japan to the US. They were introduced at Japan Fair 2017 and was very successful in increasing the ...
Uchikura Co at Japan Fair 2017
Uchikura & Co. provided credit card processing services to the companies from Japan. We collected the sales tax so that the all sales are processed legally. This is one of the functions of Uchikur...
Japan Fair Day 2
We finished Day 1 ... We are now getting ready for Day 2. See you at japan Fair.
Japan Fair will start tomorrow, July 8 & 9 at the Meydenbauer Convention Center in Bellevue, WA. The door will open at 10:00am. Come see us at the Fair.