Washington State, where I live and work is going a fantastic job containing the spread of Coronavirus. Let's keep it up. You are lady know (1) Wash your hand and Gargle often. (2) Avoid contact with o...
Why do you think bot Taiwan and Japan seem to controlling Coronavirus better than the rest of the world. Here are what some people are saying. No handshake nor hugging Both are Island Counties Better ...
There seems to be less people.
I just heard that Department of Labor has reported 3.3 million new unemployment applications. This supposed to be the highest unemployment jump in the history. When we recover from Coronavirus, what d...
This is the best page that I found fo far to understand what is happening in Japan when incomes to Coronavirus. News media does not help understand...
PSPinc Internal Memo We ask that you please take your temperature at home before coming into work each day. If your temperature is equal to or over 99 F (37.2 C), you are not allowed to come into work...
S H O P Smart Home Electronics at eBay up to 50% off free shipping Save on a variety of smart electronics from Google, Apple, Arlo, and more. Shop Now at eBay
I filled up my car at Costco Gas Station in Kirkland. A gallon of gasoline (regular) was $2.359 ... I have no seen this low in years.
All business should shout down except businesses providing essential services. The problem is that the list of essential service is not clear like New York. New York states Datacenter and Internet Ser...
My last meal eating out was March 16. I miss eating out, but to protect myself and make sure we don't overwhelm our medical system, I understand why we are not eating out. PSP will buy lunch for anyon...